Saturday, May 14, 2005

Please Pray

Hello, everyone. This is the first post in a week or so because Scott and I just got back from a Lynn family trip to Disney World. We had a marvellous time, but are happy to be back home.
However, we got back home and have seen that Dad is really having a hard time with this radiation. He is very burned, and the skin on both of his legs is very sensitive and he is uncomfortable. He is debating whether or not he should continue on with his last eight sessions of radiation. He has to constantly slather on aloe vera, and it hurts him just to walk or move.
Please pray that God would ease his pain, and help him through this time.
I hate to see him so miserable, and I know that prayer works, and that God can heal his skin and make things more bearable for him.
Thank you all for your continued support.
God bless you.



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